A fresh start, blank slate or reset. Whatever you want to call it, it’s a time to re-evaluate your accomplishments and failures, things you want to improve on and goals you want to set for yourself. I’m not much of a resolution person because I found in the past if I didn’t stick to it I’d get upset and think my whole year was going to get off to a bad start because of these outrageous resolutions I set for myself. So every year I make a list of things I want to accomplish that year. Whether it be goals I have for remodeling our home, better organization to keep my head clear / our house running smoothly and self care which always gets put on the back burner. Writing these down helps me stay committed to them throughout the year. This year is about cleaning things up and simplifying our life.
So I’m writing them down here, out in the open to hold myself more accountable this year.
1.Home Projects
Our house is a work in progress and a lot of projects get put on the back burner because I’m so busy with everyone’s else’s houses that I don’t have the time to put into my own. This year I’d be completely content if we just renovate our main bathroom, finish the dining room, the mudroom, wallpaper the half bath and finish our outdoor space. I also want to repaint a lot of rooms in our home as well too.
This has been ongoing for me but is a part of my life that i crave and need. I sometimes wish I could take an entire month off and just get my whole house in order but that’s not going to happen so I broke it out into months. Since I work from home I need my space to be somewhat organized and so this is a top priority for me. I work better and have a clearer mind when everything is put away. Anyone else feel that way? I’m finishing The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up before summer this year. By the way if you haven’t read this book it’s the one organizational method that I’ve actually stuck to. I got a little intimidated when I got to the paper section and stopped but I’m determined to finish soon because I realized her method works. If you’re not ready for the KonMarie method and are looking for organizing tips yourself, check out Emily Ley’s Simplicity Challenge. She posts the daily challenges on her Instagram and they take no longer then 15 minutes. You an also purchase her newly released book A Simplified Life here.
3.Self Care
Eating healthy and more exercise! We all make those New Years goals, right? So much easier said then done. Especially after lounging around eating cookies and leftovers for a week. With freezing Antarctic like temps outside the thought of leaving the warmth of my home to go to the gym is even more daunting. But I know once I start eating healthier and working out a little more I have way more energy and feel better overall. My goal is to workout 2-3 times a week. I like to do classes with friends because we hold each other accountable and working out with friends is more fun anyway. If I get busy my favorite go to workout are the Tone It Up girls. Their meals are so simple and healthy and their workouts are quick and fun. They just started a 5 day detox to kick start the New Year. You can read more about it here.
4.Jennifer Cavorsi Design
I’ve been very fortunate to have had a lot of great clients this year and I have been busy. But behind the scenes has been getting pushed aside to try and get projects done. My goals for my design business are to finish my new website which will be launching soon. Lots of exciting projects in the works this year and I can’t wait for them to get started.
5.The Style Nest
Create more content for the blog this year. Share more behind the scenes on projects and happenings at JCD.
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