School is out, schedules and car pools are done. It's the laid back lifestyle of summer...pool time, outside play, smores making, trips to the beach, etc. sounds like so much fun! But before that begins I feel like we need a little time to veg out from end of year craziness, right? Until you realize you and your kids have been on an apple device for over an hour, you're still in your pj's, breakfast hasn't been made yet and in a couple days the kids have to be at camp starting at 8am and it's going to be a rude wake up call.
I try to motivate myself to get off my device...just one more look at Instagram won't hurt, oh look at that cute bedroom on Houzz, that is such a fun idea for summer I'm definitely pinning that, oh yeah where was I? Crap, remember those summer iPad rules I told the kids about? Well, I already screwed that up and we haven't even been home a week. It's time to crack down, you ask everyone to take a break from iPads, tantrums and objects are thrown, you're the meanest mom in the world and you're rudely awakened by the negative effects of electronics. (It is addicting and if someone were ripping mine away from me as I was in the middle of a People article about the Bachelorette I'd be pissed too) so I understand it's not easy. Panic sets in that there is no way my schedule is going to fly right now in the state these kids are in. I go back to my device (see how addicting it is) looking for help thinking there has to be some magic app that rips these things out of their hands and they magically go play outside. Well, maybe there is....Thank you dear Pinterest! Today I discovered the app I have been looking for. I'm able to control it from my phone. I can set a schedule for when it's blocked and it will tell them why it's blocked (outside play, family time, homework) they can see when they have electronics time and for kids having a schedule and knowing what to expect helps them feel in control. Especially in our household where we thrive on consistency but having an ADHD mom consistency is a struggle in our house, especially in the summertime.
I know this isn't decorating or fashion ideas but I felt like this was too good not to share. I've been on the hunt for an app like this forever. Yes, you could easily set a timer but they run away and sneak their iPads. I wanted something that actually blocked them from doing or playing anymore on their iPads. I'm sure the first 2 weeks using this will be ugly but kids need rules and once they realize this is how it's going to be they'll learn to know when they have electronics time and that it won't turn on until their other scheduled events are done. So no more fighting to give up the iPads, no more asking me a million times when we're going home because you "NEED" to beat the Eye of Tafulu (whatever that means) because Apple's Summer Schedule is here (that's what I'm calling it) The wifi gods did it and I have no control over it. Because I'm tired of being called a mean mom.
Wifi gods = Our Pact
Parental internet monitoring app for IOS devices which can be downloaded here
I found it to be very user friendly and it walks you through how to get it set up on each persons device.
What OurPact can do:
-Schedule internet and app usage according to your child's schedule
-Set the number of hours your child can use the Internet and apps
-Block internet and apps with just a touch
I'm so excited about this I may just have to set a schedule for myself as well.
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